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Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Phillip Linder Attorney
Dallas, TX 75225
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX


This promise is your assurance that you will find His kingdom and His way of doing and being right, if you keep your heart stayed on that objective. But don’t expect things to happen immediately. Some believers think that when things don’t happen right now it means that God has not answered their prayer. That’s just not true. You have to keep knocking, and keep seeking. A job search is usually a time-consuming process, not a single event that happens overnight. Sometimes God is orchestrating the lives of many just to get the right opportunity fo you at the perfect time. You must choose to keep on until you have the victory He is working out on your behalf. Whether this process is painful or joy-filled is up to you. Know this, and stand on God’s promise that the door will be opened and you will have the victory.


  • By faith I exercise the “ask, seek, and knock strategy” of the Kingdom.
  • I know that the right door will open for me.
  • I am determined to seek the Kingdom and its King first, and to receive what God has for me.

Word of the Day

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-9

By Barb Palmer, Employed for Life